Ny artikkel i AgeSUD studien

Doktorgradsstipendiat Endre Bjørnestad publiserte nettopp den siste artikkelen i sin grad i Harm Reduction Journal. Data fra Norwegian Cohort of Patient in Opioid Maintenance and Other Drug Treatment Study (NorComt) ble brukt. Av de 283 pasientene som ble inkludert fra starten av fikk en kartlagt 179 pasienter ett år etter oppstart, hvorav 131 var i et ikke-kontrollert miljø og ble inkludert i analysen. En kortfattet oversikt over funn gjengis her:

«The majority of patients entering OMT used other substances in addition to opioids. About one-third of patients reported abstinence at the 1-year follow up. Although the majority of patients continued co-use of other drugs while in treatment, for most substances, less than 10% reported daily use at follow-up, with the exception of cannabis which was used daily/almost daily by about 2 in 10. Higher age and treatment goal at the start of OMT were important factors related to reducing concomitant substance use during treatment.»