Fagfellevurderte publikasjoner

Ordahl MØ, Vederhus JK, Birkeland B. Utforskning av mentorordningen ved et kommunalt, langtids rehabiliteringstilbud for mennesker med rusmiddelavhengighet – en kvalitativ studie. Nordic Journal of Wellbeing and Sustainable Welfare Development, 2024: 3(3), 179 – 194.

Vederhus JK, Timko C, Birkeland B, Haugland SH, Gabrielsen KB. Validation of an ultra-short global quality of life scale in a large population-based health survey. PLoS One 2024 19 (8), e0307539.

Bjørnestad ED, Vederhus JK, Clausen T. Change in substance use among patients in opioid maintenance treatment: baseline to 1-year follow-up. Harm Reduction Journal 2024 (21), 101. 

Bjørnestad ED, Vederhus JK, Clausen T. Change in self-reported somatic symptoms among patients in opioid maintenance treatment from baseline to 1-year follow-up. BMC Psychiatry 2024 (24): 149.

Gabrielsen KB, Clausen T, Haugland SH, Vederhus JK. Gradual improvement in functioning and mental distress during long-term outpatient SUD treatment – A prospective pre-post study. Addictive Behaviors Reports. 2024, 19, 100525

Weimand BM, Karlsson AT, Solli KK, Vederhus JK, Mordal J, Digranes L, Tanum L (2023). Characteristics of opioid-dependent patients choosing antagonist treatment with extended-release naltrexone compared with patients in opioid maintenance treatment in Norway. Heroin Addiction and Related Clinical Problems. ISSN: 1592-1638. 25 (4). s 5 – 14.

Jobling N, Mjåland K, Birkeland B. Fengselssykepleieres erfaringer med samarbeidet med spesialisthelsetjenesten og fastleger om legemiddelassistert rehabilitering (LAR). Sykepleien Forskning. 2023; 18(91849):e-91849. DOI: 10.4220/Sykepleienf.2023.91849

Bjørnestad ED, Vederhus JK, Clausen T. High smoking and low cessation rates among patients in treatment for opioid and other substance use disorders. BMC Psychiatry, 2022, 22; 649. 

Friesinger JG, Haugland SH, Vederhus JK. The significance of the social and material environment to place attachment and quality of life: findings from a large population-based health survey. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes. 2022: 20;135.

Karlsson AT, Vederhus JK, Clausen T, Weimand B, Solli KK, Tanum L. Impact of Impulsivity, Hyperactivity, and Inattention on Discontinuation Rate among Opioid-Dependent Patients Treated with Extended-Release NaltrexoneInt. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19(18), 11435.

Gallefoss LJ, Gabrielsen KB, Haugland SH, Clausen T, Vederhus JK. Effects of a brief pre-admission telephone reminder on no-show and dropout rates in substance use disorder treatment: a quasi-experimental study. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy. 2022: 17; 61.

Vederhus JK, Rørendal M, Skårdal M, Næss MO, Clausen T, Kristensen Ø. Successful outcomes with low-threshold intervention for cannabis use disorders in Norway – an observational study. PLoS One. 2022;17(6):e0269988.

Gabrielsen KB, Clausen T, Haugland SH, Hollup SA, Vederhus JK. Infralow neurofeedback in the treatment of substance use disorders: a randomized controlled trial. J Psychiatry Neurosci. 2022, 47(3):E222-E229.

Vederhus JK, Haugland SH, Timko C. (2022). A mediational analysis of adverse experiences in childhood and quality of life in adulthoodInternational Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, e1904.

Karlsson AT, Vederhus JK, Clausen T, Weimand B, Solli KK, Tanum L. Levels of Impulsivity, Hyperactivity, and Inattention and the Association with Mental Health and Substance Use Severity in Opioid-Dependent Patients Seeking Treatment with Extended-Release Naltrexone. J. Clin. Med. 202110(19), 4558; https://doi.org/10.3390/jcm10194558

Birkeland B, Weimand B, Ruud T, Maybery D, Vederhus JK. Perceived family cohesion, social support, and quality of life in patients undergoing treatment for substance use disorders compared with patients with mental and physical disordersAddiction Science & Clinical Practice; 2021: 16, 44.

Haugland SH, Carvalho B, Stea TH, Strandheim A, Vederhus JK. Associations between parental alcohol problems in childhood and adversities during childhood and later adulthood: a cross-sectional study of 28047 adults from the general population. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy; 2021: 16, 47

Vederhus JK, Timko C, Haugland, SH. Adverse childhood experiences and impact on quality of life in adulthood – development and validation of a short difficult childhood questionnaire in a large population-based health surveyQoL Life Res. 2021; 30, 1769–1778. Doi: 10.1007/s11136-021-02761-0.

Heldal AT, Gilhus NE. Myastenia Gravis. (2020, chap. 30, p…). In: Oxford Textbook of Neurologic and Neuropsychiatric Epidemiology (Oxford Textbooks in Clinical Neurology. Editors: Brayne C, Launer LJ, Logroscino G. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK. ISBN: 9780198749493

Vederhus JK, Høie M, Birkeland B. One size doesn’t fit all: a thematic analysis of interviews with people who have stopped participating in Narcotics Anonymous in NorwayAddiction Science & Clinical Practice. 2020; 15: 18

Drivenes K, Haaland VØ, Hauge YL, Vederhus JK, Irgens AC, Solli KK, Regevik H, Falk RS, Tanum L. Discrepancy in Ratings of Shared Decision Making Between Patients and Health Professionals: A Cross Sectional Study in Mental Health CareFront Psychol. 11:443. Doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00443

Weimand B, Birkeland B, Ruud T, Høie MM. “It’s like being stuck on an unsafe and unpredictable rollercoaster”: Experiencing substance use problems in a partner. Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. 2020, 1 – 16. DOI: 10.1177/1455072520904652

Vederhus JK, Rørendal M, Bjelland C, Skar AKS, Kristensen Ø. Can a Smartphone App for Cannabis Cessation Gain a Broader User Group than Traditional Treatment Services? Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment 2020; 14:1-9

Drivenes K, Vederhus JK, Haaland VØ, Ruud T, Hauge YL, Regevik H, Falk RS, Tanum L. Enabling patients to cope with psychotropic medication in mental health careMedicine (Open) 2020; 99 (1) – e18635

Heldal AT, Aamo TO, Frost JF: “En kvinne i 40-årene som brukte vanedannende legemidler i svært høye doser”. Tidsskr Nor Legeforen 2020 doi: 10.4045/tidsskr.19.0287

Opsal A, Kristensen Ø, Clausen T: Readiness to change among involuntarily and voluntarily admitted patients with substance use disorders. Substance Abuse prevention treatment and policy 2019; 14:47

Årseth AL, Torjussen E, Johannessen B. Hva hindrer unge voksne i å møte til rusbehandling? Sykepleien Forskning 2019; 14. DOI: 10.4220/Sykepleienf.2019.76440

Vederhus JK, Kristensen Ø, Timko C. How do psychological characteristics of family members affected by substance use influence quality of life? Quality of Life Research 2019; 28 (8): 2161-2170

Skjerve Arvid, Amundsen Eva. Mindfulnessbasert tilbakefallsforebygging for rusbrukslidelser – En litteraturoversikt. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening, Vol 56, nr. 1 2019, s.28-34.

Birkeland B, Foster K, Høie MM, Ruud T, Weimand B.The quality of life when a partner has substance use problems: a scoping review. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes (2018) 16:219 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12955-018-1042-4

Heldal AT, Skurtveit S, Lobmaier PPK, Vederhus JK, Bramness JG. Bruk av medikamenter for alkoholbrukslidelser i Norge 2004–16. Tidsskr Nor Legeforen. 2018 Nov 8;138(18). doi: 10.4045/tidsskr.18.0383

Årseth AL, Johannessen B, Vederhus JK. Oppringning før innleggelse. Sykepleien Forskning 2018 13

Sivertsen K, Lukic M, Kristoffersen AE. Gender specific association between the use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) and alcohol consumption and injuries caused by drinking in the sixth Tromsø study. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine (2018) 18:239 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12906-018-2301-y

Brøvig Almås, Cecilie. Terapeutisk timing i psykosebehandling. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening. Vol55 Nr10 2018

Vederhus JK, Høie M. The Pragmatic Believer – Faith Development and Personal Experiences of a ‘Higher Power” in Seasoned Members of Narcotics AnonymousResearch in the Social Scientific Study of Religon. Vol 29;123-144 https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004382640_008

Kristensen Ø, Opsal A, Clausen T. Tvangsinnleggelse for rusbehandling? Tidsskrift Nor Legeforen. 2018; nr. 8; 138: 712-714

Tveit H, Kristensen Ø. Cannabis og den unge hjernen. Hvorfor er det spesielt farlig for tenåringer å bruke cannabis? Psykologisk tidsskrift NTNU 2018; nr 1: 71-81

Birkeland B, Weimand BW, Ruud T, Høie MM, Vederhus JK. Parenting partners: perceived quality of life when the other parent has a substance use disorder or severe somatic or mental illnessHealth and Quality of Life outcomes 2017, 15:172

Kristensen Ø, Mlodozenic A. Debatten rundt cannabis (forfatterne svarer)Tidsskr Nor Legeforen 2017 May 2;137(9):599-600. DOI: 10.4045/tidsskr.17.0298.

Kristensen Ø, Mlodozeniec A. Debatten rundt cannabisTidsskr Nor Legeforen 2017; 137 (5): 344. DOI: 10.4045/tidsskr.17.0067

Vederhus JK. Mind the gap-a European viewpoint on Alcoholics AnonymousAddiction 2016; 112(6): 937-938. https://doi.org/10.1111/add.13609

Pasareanu A, Vederhus JK, Opsal A, Kristensen Ø, Clausen T. Mental distress following inpatient substance use treatment, modified by substance use; comparing voluntary and compulsory admissionsBMC Health Services Research 2017, 17:5.

Opsal A, Vederhus JK, Kristensen Ø, Clausen T. Perceived coercion to enter treatment among involuntarily and voluntarily admitted patients with substance use disordersBMC Health Services Research 2016, 16:656

Dunsæd F, Kristensen Ø, Vederhus JK, Clausen T, Høie MM. Standardisert avrusning ved blandingsmisbrukTidsskr Nor Legeforen, 2016; 136:1639-42. Klikk her for engelsk versjon

Pasareanu A, Vederhus JK, Opsal A, Kristensen Ø, Clausen T. Improved drug-use patterns at 6 months post-discharge from inpatient substance use disorder treatment: results from compulsorily and voluntarily admitted patientsBMC Health Services Research. 2016; 16:291

Vederhus JK, Pripp A, Clausen T. Quality of Life in Patients with Substance Use Disorders Admitted to Detoxification Compared With Those Admitted to Hospitals for Medical Disorders: Follow-up ResultsSubstance abuse: Research & Treatment. 2016: 10, 31 – 37. Doi: 10.4137/SART.S39192.

Kristensen Ø, Mlodozeniec A. Kartleggingsverktøy for benzodiazepinabstinens – nå på norskTidsskr Nor Legeforen; 2016, nr 5. 1367

Vederhus JK, Birkeland B, Clausen T. Perceived quality of life, 6 months after detoxification: is abstinence a modifying factor? Qual Life Res. 2016, 25 (9), 2315–2322. .

Vederhus JK, Clausen T, Humphreys K. Assessing understandings of substance use disorders among Norwegian treatment professionals, patients and the general publicBMC Health Services Research 2016, 16:52.

Kristensen Ø, Vederhus JK. Alkohobruk en naturlig del av anamnesenTidsskr Nor Legeforen. 2015; 135: 1240-1241.

Vederhus JK, Rysstad O, Gallefoss F, Clausen T, Kirstensen Ø. Kartlegging av alkoholbruk og røyking hos pasienter innlagt i medisinsk avdelingTidsskr Nor Legeforen. 2015; 135: 1251-1255. English version.

Vederhus JK, Zemore S, Rise J, Clausen T, Høie M. Predicting patient post-detoxification engagement in 12-step groups with an extended version of the theory of planned behaviorAddiction Science & Clinical Practice 2015, 10:15

Stray LL, Stray T, Kristensen Ø. Neuromuscular regulation problems in Attention Deficit Disorder assessed by the Motor Function Neurological Assessment (MFNU). J Nov Physiother 2015, 5: 255

Kristensen Ø. Cannabis som medisinTidsskr Nor Legeforen 2015; 135: 517

Pasareanu A, Opsal A, Vederhus JK, Kristensen Ø, Clausen T. Quality of life improved following in-patient substance use disorder treatment. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2015, 13:35

Solhaug P, Høie M, Vederhus JK. Endring i psykisk velvære etter gjennomført 12-trinnsbasert rusbehandling – en sammenligning av dag og døgnbehandlingTidsskrift for psykisk helsearbeid 2015, 1: 29-38.

Vederhus JK, Timko C, Kristensen Ø, Hjemdahl B, Clausen T. Motivational intervention to enhance post-detoxification 12-step group affiliation: a randomized controlled trialAddiction 2014;109(5):766-73. doi: 10.1111/add.12471.

Clausen T, Åsland R, Kristensen Ø. Pasienter som avbryter LAR-behandling; hvordan går det med dem? Tidsskr Nor Legeforen 2014; 134:1146-9.

Stray L L, Kristensen Ø, Lomeland M, Skorstad M, Stray T, Tønnessen F E. Motor regulation problems and pain in adults diagnosed with ADHDBehavioral and Brain Functions 2013, 9:18

Opsal A, Kristensen Ø, Larsen TK, Syversen G, Rudshaug EB, Gerdner A, Clausen T. Factors associated with involuntary admissions among non-psychotic patients with substance use disorders and comorbidity: a cross-sectional study. BMC Health Services Research 2013, 13:57

Stallvik M, Nordstrand B, Kristensen Ø, Bathen J, Skogvoll E, Spigset O. Corrected QT interval during treatment with methadone and buprenorphine – relation to doses and serum concentrations. Drug Alcohol Depend; 2013; 129: 88 – 93. Doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2012. Sekundæromtale i Tidsskr Nor Legeforen HER.

Hjerkinn B, Lindbæk M, Skogmo I, Rosvold EO. Behaviour among children of substance-abusing women attending a Special Child Welfare Clinic in Norway, as assessed by Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL)Scand J Caring Sci; 2013; 27; 285 – 294.

Pasareanu AR, Mygland Å, Kristensen Ø. A woman in her 50s with manic psychosis. Tidsskr Nor Legeforen 2012; 132:537-9.

Vederhus JK, Kristensen Ø, Clausen T, Gossop M. Turn something bad into something good. Brit J Gen Pract. 2012: 62 (594), 32-32(1)

Opsal A, Kristensen Ø, Ruud T, Gråwe R, Larsen TK, Clausen T. Substance abuse in patients admitted voluntarily and involuntarily to acute psychiatric wards: a national cross-sectional study. Norsk Epidemiologi 2011; 21 (1): 85-91.

Vederhus JK, Timko C, Kristensen Ø, Clausen T. The courage to change: Patients’ perception of 12-step fellowships. BMC Health Services Research 2011, 11:339.

Hanssen AR, Ropstad G, Kristensen Ø, Clausen T. Cannabis smoking cessation courses; feasibility and follow-up results. Sykepleien Forskning. 2011; 4: 368-374

Vederhus JK, Hjerkinn B, Kristensen Ø. Selvhjelpsgrupper for rusmiddelavhengige. Tidsskr Nor Legeforen. 2011; 131:1204-6

Opsal A, Clausen T, Kristensen Ø, Elvik I, Joa I, Larsen TK. Involuntary hospitalization of first-episode psychosis with substance abuse during a 2-year follow-upActa Psychiatr Scand. 2011;124(3):198-204.

Vederhus JK, Laudet A, Kristensen Ø,Clausen T. Obstacles to 12-step groups participation as seen by addiction professionals: Comparing Norway to the United StatesJournal of Substance Abuse Treatment. 2010; 39(3): 210 – 217. DOI:10.1016/j.jsat.2010.06.001. Author’s preprint

Hjerkinn B, Lindbæk M, Skogmo I, Rosvold EO. Neuropsychological screening of children of substance-abusing women attending a Special child Welfare Clinic in Norway. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy. 2010, 5:17.

Kunøe N, Lobmaier P, Vederhus JK, Hjerkinn B, Gossop M, Hegstad S, Kristensen Ø, Waal H. Challenges to antagonist blockade during sustained-release naltrexone treatment. Addiction. 2010; 105 (9), 1633 – 1639

Kunøe N, Lobmaier P, Vederhus JK, Hjerkinn B, Hegstad S, Gossop M, Kristensen Ø, Waal H. Retention in naltrexone implant treatment for opioid dependence. Drug Alc Dependence. 2010 ;111(1-2): 166-169.

Kristensen Ø, Pasareanu AR. Zopiklon og krampeanfall. Tidsskr Nor Legeforen 2010; 130, 1225.

Tveit H, Karlsen KA. Kognitive effekter av kronisk cannabisbruk. Nyere forskning og kliniske implikasjoner. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening. 2010: 47, 497 – 504.

Kristensen Ø, Sundøy A, Skeie K, Vederhus JK, Øye I, Opsal A,  Rysstad O, Gallefoss F. Korttids hepatitt C-behandling av heroinavhengige pasienter. Tidsskr Nor Legeforen; 2009: 129:1639-42

Hjerkinn B, Rosvold EO, Lindbæk M. Neonatal findings among children of substance-abusing women attending a special child welfare clinic in NorwayScand J Public Health. 2009: 37(7):751-7.

Vederhus JK, Kristensen Ø, Laudet A, Clausen T. Attitudes towards 12-step groups and referral practices in a 12-step naive treatment culture; a survey of addiction professionals in Norway. BMC Health Serv Res. 2009: 9, 147.

Kunøe N, Lobmaier P, Vederhus JK, Hjerkinn B, Hegstad S, Gossop M, Kristensen Ø, Waal H. Naltrexone implants after in-patient treatment for opioid dependence: randomised controlled trial. The British Journal of Psychiatry. 2009: 194, 541-546.

Bachmann ES, Espegren O, Willesen AM. Erfaringer med metylfenidat-behandling (ritalin) hos pasienter med kombinert ADHD og rusmisbruk. En retrospektiv journalstudie. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening, 2008: 10, 1285-1292.

Vederhus JK, Kristensen Ø, Tveit H, Clausen T. Tolvtrinnsbaserte selvhjelpsgrupper: En ressurs i rehabiliteringen av rusmiddelavhengige. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening 2008, 10, 1268-1275.

Hjerkinn B, Lindbæk M, Rosvold EO. Substance abuse in pregnant women. Experiences from a special child welfare clinic in Norway. BMC Public Health 2007: 7, 322.

Stubberud J, Åsland R, Kristensen Ø. Hvorfor mislykkes behandlingen? En undersøkelse av kognitiv funksjon og personlighet hos pasienter i legemiddelassistert rehabilitering. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening, 2007: 44, 1012-1018

Kristensen Ø, Lolandsmo T, Isaksen A, Vederhus JK and Clausen T. Treatment of polydrug-using opiate dependents during withdrawal: towards a standardisation of treatment. BMC Psychiatry 2006, 6: 54, 1-9.

Vederhus JK, Kristensen Ø. High effectiveness of self-help programs after drug addiction therapy. BMC Psychiatry 2006, 6: 35, 1-6.

Kristensen Ø. Drug addicts in physicians’ offices. Tidsskr Nor Lægefor 2005: 125, 2674

Kristensen Ø, Vederhus JK. Self-help programs in drug addiction therapy.Tidsskr Nor Lægefor 2005: 125(20), 2798-801.

Kristensen Ø, Espegren O, Åsland R, Jakobsen E, Lie Ø, Seiler S. A randomised clinical trial of methadone vs. buprenorphine to opioid dependants. Tidsskr Nor Lægefor 2005: 125, 148-51.

Kristensen Ø. Substance abuse as a medical specialty of its own–now. Tidsskr Nor Lægefor 2003; 123, 2331

Kristensen Ø. Maintenance treatment of opiate addicts. Tidsskr Nor Lægefor 2001; 120, 3816

Kristensen, Ø. Methadone therapy in opiate dependency. Tidsskr Nor Lægefor. 2000; 120, 513-4.

Kristensen Ø. A-clinics and treatment of drug addicts. Tidsskr Nor Lægefor 1998; 118, 3175

Kristensen Ø. Alcoholics. (Trenger annen generasjon alkoholavhengige menn en annen type behandling enn første generasjon?). Tidsskr Nor Lægefor 1991; 111, 3730-1

Kristensen Ø. Alcoholism and physical training. Tidsskr Nor Lægefor 1989; 109, 1099-1100